Inner Teacher
Yoga & Coaching

Inner TeacherTM
Inner Teacher Awakening (ITA) offers clients, particularly folx who identify as girls and womxn, tools to rediscover, re-awaken, and reconnect with their inner teacher. ITA, pronounced Ee-da as in the Irish language, means thirst for knowledge or goodness in that same language. We believe that in our modern society, many are feeling a tug, a nudge, an urge to return to something more innate, more ancient, even if they can’t quite put a name to it yet. This more ancient, innate thing many are seeking exists within us already. It is what we call our Inner Teacher and it resides in our bodies.
Through myriad offerings, ITA is here to take your hand as you find your way back onto your path to your inner teacher. To not only reawaken that voice, but to hear, free, and embody its teachings, its message. All of ITAs offerings are born from a lunar perspective. Drawing inspiration from the moon and the water as well as aspects of Mother Earth, you will be held and guided to find and flow in your own rhythm and to wander your way back to your own path.
The journey we will take together will be a remembering, a journey back to what we know deep down has always been there. Join us as we awaken our inner teacher!

Jess Rush (pronouns: she/her) is the creatrix of ITA.
Though born and raised in New England, Jess has found life and inspiration in the Pacific Northwest since 2003 and since she left the 9-5 office life in 2018, around the world. Through her love of all things water, Jess first found yoga on a stand up paddle board (SUP) and has dedicated Seattle's short and beautiful summers to that practice for the past nine years. The rest of the year, she is continuing to learn and find inspiration in India and other sacred places across this beautiful planet.
Through her yoga practice, on water and on land, Jess has found a pathway to healing: physically and emotionally. She has found strength of body and heart, flexibility of body and mind. The spiritual and emotional healing that Jess has been able to walk through these last few years are directly resulting from first finding her way to yoga. Since then she has awakened to her inner wise woman, the wisdom and knowledge of women, circle, ceremony, and a way of living more connected to and in tune with nature...this is the way we are meant to be.
Through guiding ceremony and yoga, coaching, and reiki, Jess is committed to helping you find that within yourself. She believes in and has experienced the power of each of these modalities for herself and is excited to share them!
The enormity of gratitude Jess feels toward each of her teachers for sharing tools and shining the light on the teacher in my own heart is immeasurable.
Om namo guru dev namo.
I honor the divine teacher within each of us.